Comfrey as Mulch

Using comfrey as a mulch in your garden/farm is a great idea depending on your needs.  If you are looking for a mulch that can start feeding your crops really quickly, this is your answer. The leaves of the plant are low in fiber so it breaks down quickly after mulching with it. Depending on several factors, it can easily decompose within days providing nutrients to the soil underneath it.

For mulching with comfrey there are 3 options all of which have big benefits.

Move to location – This simply involves cutting the leaves off a comfrey plant (or harvesting the entire plant) and using them as mulch elsewhere. This is what we do for our raised beds on the farm. We have a comfrey patch that is near the beds, and when needed, we cut off leaves and bring them up to the bed. A small patch can be used to mulch a rather large raised bed.

 This is one of our <1-year-old comfrey patches used for that purpose - 
Once established this patch can produce a ton (yes, 2000 pounds!) of comfrey leaves a year. 

Chop and Drop – If you've planted your comfrey plants near (within the drip zone) the trees you want to fertilize you can simply cut off the comfrey leaves where they are and leave them. Almost as easy as possible.

Let die in winter – As easy as possible. Again for comfrey that has been planted near trees you can simply let the comfrey die back each winter fertilizing the ground around the plant. You don't get as much mulch as you would if you cut it back a couple of times during the year, but it requires absolutely no work. Some call it lazy, I call it being efficient. 
Here is comfrey as it begins to die back during winter. The dead leaves are very dark in color which makes the soil darker as it enriches it. -